Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What The HELL?

That is the reaction i get from ppl when they find out abut my kick ass acct... meet SCYTHE314 my newest acct and a lvl 93... my true friends that know me know that i haven't played this game long enough to have a freakin lvl how the hell did i get it?....well....=}...i m not that computer savvy to actually have hacked it but that's one possibility...but that is sooo not me....really!!! really, i would never do that! how did i get it? ..well one of my best buds has been saying he wanted to quit the game for months and finally this past weekend he was really ready to give it he offered the acct to me... i was pretty shocked ....i was like wth? really? and r u serious? and he was like "mmmhhhmm"... wow, i thought awesome but i also knew that this was sayin good bye to a good friend on rs but that's life ppl! People come and go, friends come and go ...and i 'm glad Damien and i crossed paths... really kwl guy and a great gamer...good luck on ur next adventure dude!!!! Will miss u!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sadness ={

Total sadness in the rs world .. two of my bff's have quit the game this no way .... well yes way !!!!! They have and it's done and it's time to move on. Missbubble3 ...i met her this past January abut a month after i started playin this game. She like had the coolest clan in rs.. everyone and anyone joined... many randoms ... it was hilarious to mess with them... i met alot of my rs buds thru her clan. i m sure ppl will still join it long after she is gone...I remember when i first met her.. i met her at "da cows" of course in lumby scumby.. if those were real cows..omg it would like totally sink there but that was like the big missbubble clan hang out - (da cows in world 4). i was like tryin to get rid of this suicidal stalker... tellin me if i wouldn't be his gf he would totally kill himself.. i was like "wth go away dude"...and honestly i don't remember how i finally got rid of him but i think bubblz helped me out and she asked me to join this fabulous clan which at first i thought it was all girls and then i realized the only girls there logged on at the time were me and her...lmao.... then i thought "hmmm...i can have some fun here ^.~ "
Bubblz - we really r goin to miss u... ='{ ...hope that u do decide to visit us some time but if not wishin u the best ..luv ya and peace out!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Welcome to My World =}

Ohhhh! I luv havin a lot of fun....and i luv to tell stories.....So thought i'd sharing some of my stories with ya'll. i have recently started playing this kwl game called runescape and the adventures i have had there have been unbelievable. Some just down right stupid...others have been sweet moments of a great "kill" -lmao- and still others that i would rather forget but for the benenfit of ur entertainment i m willing to post! Ha ha ha ha!!! Enjoy and if ur ever in the world of runescape look me up...there may be a story about u yet to tell ^.~...